Because we went to bed so late we woke up late, then the kids made a big push for another day here at this very cool motorcamp. So a chill out day was not a bad option. It will mean one less day in Chicago but we are all in need of a cruisey spell. So here we stayed. Still enough activities here, Baseball and Mini Golf plus now our Blog is right up to date.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday 23rd May, Niagara Falls, Canada – Detroit, United States America
Saturday 22nd May, Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada.
Hi it’s Olivia. Today we went to Niagara Falls. We went on a boat and went close to the waterfall. It was splashing and it looked like it was raining but it wasn’t. Mum, Thomas, Lauren and Dad got the wettest. There were lots of birds on the cliff. Then we went back to the campground we had lots of fun. Now I’m going to talk about the playground and stuff at the campground. There was a bou
Hello its Thomas again. About boats going up a hill of water, like walking up steps?….Start step number 1- Boat drives in at low level and the close the gate behind step 2- they full the loch with water till it’s the same level as the high side. Step 3- Open the second gate and let the boat out Step
Friday 21st May 2010 , Cobourg Ontario - Niagara Falls
Thursday 20th May, Ottawa - Cobourg Ontario
Bernise…..Well I’m the navigator on this road trip and boy did I do well, last night navigating us to Walmart which happened to be right next to clothing outlet stores that we stayed last night. FANTASTIC? So of course we did a short shopping trip there and then headed for our next destination the National Canadian Science Technology Museum.
Lauren….I liked the funky kitchen which had striped walls, doors and checkered floors on funny angles, it felt really strange. I also liked the snowmobile that has a TV screen so it feels like you are really driving it. We also steered a ship around icebergs on a screen, we had to drive to the finish line without hitting the icebergs above or under the water. I calle
d Olivia from a old
phone to a new phone and it worked. I had a lot of fun and learnt a lot.
Olivia… It is very hard to choose a favorite because everything was so cool. I did go on an old bike but the peddles were too far away. And everything else was cool.
Thomas….I liked the trains, they were so big the wheels were double my size, the fastest steam train went 168kmh and mommy liked them the best too. I like the electrical section as well.
Geoff…Ottawa being the capital of course has to have a Parliament house, unlike our Beehive, Ottawa’s is super old and super impressive, 3 massive old castle type structures in a row, all with copper roofs that have turned green just like the statue of liberty. Built in Queen Victoria’s reign (1867 to be exact) it has been restored to immaculate condition, partly because a huge fire went through in 1916 (I bet that insurance companys premiums went up). We did the tour and the narration bo
red the kids but
was pretty interesting for us more mature types, they have a lower house with 308 elected members but also an upper house of 105 Senators who I reckon have a cruisey set up all elected from within their own matey ranks. Anyway as you can Imagine 413 Politicians is a lot and they fill up this working building that we were in to busting point. The Centre Block Parliament building also has a tower of London type clock at the front, at the end of the tour we visited the top which is above the clock and bells which gives an amazing view of the city.
Lauren….I liked the funky kitchen which had striped walls, doors and checkered floors on funny angles, it felt really strange. I also liked the snowmobile that has a TV screen so it feels like you are really driving it. We also steered a ship around icebergs on a screen, we had to drive to the finish line without hitting the icebergs above or under the water. I calle
Olivia… It is very hard to choose a favorite because everything was so cool. I did go on an old bike but the peddles were too far away. And everything else was cool.
Thomas….I liked the trains, they were so big the wheels were double my size, the fastest steam train went 168kmh and mommy liked them the best too. I like the electrical section as well.
Geoff…Ottawa being the capital of course has to have a Parliament house, unlike our Beehive, Ottawa’s is super old and super impressive, 3 massive old castle type structures in a row, all with copper roofs that have turned green just like the statue of liberty. Built in Queen Victoria’s reign (1867 to be exact) it has been restored to immaculate condition, partly because a huge fire went through in 1916 (I bet that insurance companys premiums went up). We did the tour and the narration bo
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday 19th May – Montreal, Quebec – Ottawa, Ontario
Wow we have been here for a month, but it feels so much longer. In this time we have only had one full day of relaxation and a couple of half days like yesterday doing chores, washing blogs etc, and the rest of the time has been jammed packed full of activities and of course the hours clocked up on the road.
Anyways, today we went on the metro into the old part of Montreal I was hoping to see another glorious old Quebec but I was so so disappointed in this place with hundreds of messy souvenir shops and expensive restaurants. In comparison with Quebec the old buildings and streets
have not been restored to anywhere near the same level, throw in the new buildings dotted around for bad measure and the place just didn’t quite do it for us. It made us feel quite flat. On a brighter note was a fabulous church that we went to, it literally took my breath away when entering it. This was the Notre-Dame Basilica which was a modest wooden building until 1672 when they reconstructed it with stone and had a couple of extensions (and converted to Catholicism) in the 1800s. We then went to Pointe-Calliere, birthplace of Montreal, this museum is named a National
Historic site, which protects authentic underground archaeological
treasures. We learnt a lot about the beginning and changes to Montreal and how the French arrived closely followed by the Poms. For sure you can feel the under-current today between the French and English speaking facets. We hopped back on the metro to visit the 1968 Olympic Stadium and the Botanical Gardens and again both not very tidy and a little run down. We took the elevator all the way to the top where the views were spectacular. The stadium would have been amazing in its day and don’t get me wrong
it’s still pretty impressive now its just a shame they don’t try and keep it tidy since so many people visit it. The Gardens were same/same… great potential but not the pristine care taken that you would expect of a great site.
From here we decided to make the (150 miles) shortish haul down to Ottawa to see if Susan and Peter were correct. This all made for a long day mind you.
Anyways, today we went on the metro into the old part of Montreal I was hoping to see another glorious old Quebec but I was so so disappointed in this place with hundreds of messy souvenir shops and expensive restaurants. In comparison with Quebec the old buildings and streets
From here we decided to make the (150 miles) shortish haul down to Ottawa to see if Susan and Peter were correct. This all made for a long day mind you.
Tuesday 18th May 2010, Quebec City – Montreal Quebec
Emergency alert, emergency alert, I’m down to the last pair of knickers…….this morning we did 4 loads of washing, drying and folding (we literally took over the laundry). We caught up on some blogs, did the RV spring clean and had a few coffees, quite a cruisey morning. Then we hit the road to Montreal which I’m very excited about, if it’s anything like Quebec City? We decided to go to the KOA camp ground, they seem to be close to the main centres and are a reasonable price including free internet. We set up camp which we are getting very quick at now, got a glass of wine and started checking my emails. …Geoff here… As Bernise said we have a ritual down pat when we get to a new destination and we are very quick at it now. Part of that ritual includes draping the New Zealand Fern Flag over the front window, no sooner had we done it when our neighbors came bounding over with a big cheerful HELLO, we finally have encountered our first fellow Kiwis who like us are travelling around Canada and USA. Susan and Peter Jones from the deep south Gore, it’s a small world obviously. We had a great evening swapping stories and on their recommendation decided to include the Canadian capital Ottawa in the Itinerary, we were 50/50 on whether to stay and drink some more wine with them the following night or to keep moving? We of course took the picture to include our new friends in the Milliken history page.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday 17th May 2010, Quebec
Today we took a ferry over from Old Levis to the old part of Québec City. The bazaar part is the French, it is predominantly French with little or no English spoken and all signs looking and feeling foreign. Laurenzo who thought she was the French expert is full of confidence around us but when she gets to the true test suddenly clams up. The ferry is only 10 minutes from the campground and the angle into the city towards the old town castles (now exclusive Hotel) and gun emplacements is a beautiful way to enter the city as I hope the photos will show. It is about 22 degrees with a slight
breeze so perfect for walking through the streets (which we spent hours doing). What amazed me was the kids loved this place Lauren saying its one of the best places she’s seen. Of course it’s spring here and it is so beautiful with fresh lime green leaves on the trees and tulips everywhere (especially around there parliament building) Dad you would love it here? The buildings and cobble stone streets are glorious, the food is fabulous and I got some shopping in which was great as we have not had much of a chance since arriving nearly one month ago. The old Quebec City is the most beautiful relaxing cities I have ever been in, but don’t think it would be much chop in the middle of winter. We finished off with a lovely meal at a café with some French wine and then the ferry ride back as it was getting dark, another super impressive sight. Geoff was not initially 100
percent convinced on coming all the way up here as it is a big excursion, but even he has had to admit to being impressed with the beauty and history of the place, it truly feels as close Europe as you can get.
Sunday 16th May 2010, Littleton, New Hampshire – Vermont – Levis Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
All the road signs are in French, thank goodness they have lovely little pictures attached???
Saturday 15th May 2010, Boston Massachusetts – Littleton, New Hampshire
Boston is not set up for parking RVs, getting a park was a nightmare. We first went to the Quincy Market to get some much needed veggies, great atmosphere. We decided to go on a bus tour so we could see as much as we could in a short day. First we saw the U.S.S Constitution “Old Ironsides” cannon balls used to
bounce of this thing. It’s being restored at the moment so could not look at all of it but the museum was great. Of course we stopped off at the Cheers front entrance and went into the replica bar, we had to buy some souvenirs, cool. Next was Thomas’s favorite the Maparium at the Mary Baker Eddy library. This is a giant globe about 30 feet in diameter and consists of 608 stained glass panels, seeing the world from the inside at a scale of 1:1.39 million (1 inch equals 22 miles) . Unfortunately we were not allowed to take any photos inside it. It was a strange feeling being inside it as there were some interesting acoustic phenomena! We were standing on one side and a couple was whispering to each other and we could hear them as clearly as if they were standing next to you talking it to your ear. Great experience and a very good hands on experience for
the kids to work out NZ in relationship to the rest of the word. The time on the bus was about 90 minutes and was very funny and informative. We have 400 miles to knock off tomorrow so decided to move on and take a couple of hundred today. We ended up camping at Littleton’s Wal-Mart just short of the US / Canada border.
Friday 14th May 2010, New York, New Jersey – Connecticut – Natick, Boston, Massachusetts.
Thursday 13th May 2010 New York
Statue of Liberty is still impressive (first visit 27 years ago) and always will be its as American Pie as it gets. It has the most elaborate security that I have come across anywhere, but Im sure it needs to be. Our timing was good as in another couple of months they are shutting her down for more renovations. Ground zero was an important visit I thought for the kids as it has changed so much in the way everybody world-wide now feels and travels. I hope they grasped the enormity of it all. I have been to the top of the twin towers (Geoff here) and was 1 day short of flying out to New Orleans which was consequently cancelled so it took on a more personal angle for me.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wednesday 12th May 14, 2010, New York
Lauren and I got up earlier than the others, had breakfast and shot down to Star Bucks to send some Blogs. (We have not been able to get wireless internet at Easton or New York Campgrounds, and will not for another few days sorry). You will be pleased to know that Starbucks here has real café lattes and a lot of the more normal foods we are used too? We took a train in to Times Square and lined up at the ticket booth to get cheaper tickets to the Lion King. As it happened there was nil available for that show so decided to go to Mary Poppins as it had 40% off. It was a horrible rainy cold day so we all wanted to be inside.
Hi its Olivia here. We went to Mary Poppins it’s about two kids being lazy and naughty at the start, so Mary Poppins came to look after them and she had magical powers. She had an umbrella with a parrot at the bottom and had a little bag and she was taking big stuff out of it, it was like magic. There was one part when she threw her umbrella behind and in went really big. Mary Poppin’s was walking funny upstairs every time and it made me and all the people Laugh, I sometimes walk upstairs funny now like Mary Poppins. There was a statue then there was a thunder storm and the statue came alive. In the end she made the children nice and the family happy and nice as well. After the show mum bought me an umbrella like Mary Poppins had. At the end bit she flew around the people sitting in the crowd watching. It was all a live show and I really really liked it. by Olivia.
Geoff and I went in with quite low expectations, but were pleasantly surprised, it was a fantastic show. As you have read, Olivia said she really really liked it, I’m telling you she was ecstatic and would not go anywhere without her Mary Poppin s umbrella and doing a few dance numbers with it as well?
After Mary Poppins we went to the Ground Zero Twin Towers site, unfortunatley not
really seeing much as it just looks like a giant construction zone, there is fencing all around, they are well on the way to completion of the new memorial. It was after five and we were disappointed that the memorial museum had closed already. The significance in history of this event is to big not for the kids to try and grasp, so we will make time before we leave to come back.
Hi its Olivia here. We went to Mary Poppins it’s about two kids being lazy and naughty at the start, so Mary Poppins came to look after them and she had magical powers. She had an umbrella with a parrot at the bottom and had a little bag and she was taking big stuff out of it, it was like magic. There was one part when she threw her umbrella behind and in went really big. Mary Poppin’s was walking funny upstairs every time and it made me and all the people Laugh, I sometimes walk upstairs funny now like Mary Poppins. There was a statue then there was a thunder storm and the statue came alive. In the end she made the children nice and the family happy and nice as well. After the show mum bought me an umbrella like Mary Poppins had. At the end bit she flew around the people sitting in the crowd watching. It was all a live show and I really really liked it. by Olivia.
Geoff and I went in with quite low expectations, but were pleasantly surprised, it was a fantastic show. As you have read, Olivia said she really really liked it, I’m telling you she was ecstatic and would not go anywhere without her Mary Poppin s umbrella and doing a few dance numbers with it as well?
After Mary Poppins we went to the Ground Zero Twin Towers site, unfortunatley not
Tuesday 11th May 2010, New York
I woke up early and was really excited because it’s my 10th birthday. For my birthday I got a Sponge Bob Lego set and a car card game I like them very much, I love them. After that we went into New York City on the underground from Grove Street to 33rd street. We walked to the Empire state building when we got there we had to go through security so had to take of our belts jumpe
r or jacket luckily we did not have to take off our p
ants?? We put owe clothes on again and went up to the 102nd floor, way to the top. It is the 3rd tallest building in America today and the 15th tallest in the world. The building was built in 1938 and was the tallest building for 40 years. How many kids go up the empire state building on their 10th Birthday?? It is the most famous building in America. It was a beautiful view and the cars looked like ants and you could hardly see the people. After we did that we had lunch and I picked going to a sushi place. I had tuna sushi because it is my favorite. We went to a Toys R Us Store because mum though it was amazing ther
was a huge dinosaur it look real. I wanted to go to the M&M store it had 3 floors. We went back to the motor home and I had a sponge bob cake it looked nice.
Monday 10th May 2010, Easton Pennsylvania – New York, New Jersey.
I need a decent coffee. Many of you will know that I love my lattes. Well I have only had one sort of good coffee since I have been here. It is very sad and I am becoming very despera
te. Geoff got me all exited the other day in central Washington DC…..Not for reasons you are thinking. He said there was a Starbucks (the only place you can get a good coffee around these parts), so we walk in, by then I’m very excited, weak at the knees and nearly drooling at the mouth,…….. until I find that they only had heated hot coffee sort of instant coffee or iced coffee WHAT PLANET ARE THEY ON????????????????????Starbucks. Another odd thing is in many parts you have to go to the gas station for beer (which sells beer but no milk), wine at a liquor
outlet (which does not sell beer) and other drinks from the supermarket (which does not sell beer or wine)? Got it Anyway we are off to NEW YORK, NEW YORK ……...yippee. We had a bit of a slow start this morning, hitting the road later than normal. It was enjoyable cruising through the narrow but idyllic Easton countryside Streets, which have lovely stone walls bridges and homes. We got into New York about 4pm and were pleasantly surprised at how central the RV campground was, it was right on the harbor overlooking the statue of liberty. We decided to take
the subway into central New York, sort of get our bearings and sort out the subway system here. I warmed to NY very quickly, it’s a fantastic place, the sounds, lights, smells and different cultures are fantastic. The first thing you notice is the huge police presence on the streets, at any time you can see two police officers near you. We went into Macy’s to get a jersey as it is very cold which they say is not normal for this time of year. Then went to Toys R Us (which was amazing feels like a theme park) to get a birthday present for Thomas’s Birthday tomorrow. Looking forward to the next few days.
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