You don’t get any more all American than Baseball… we booked really good seats from NZ for the Washington DC Stadium which is a pretty new venue … Washington Nationals vs Atlanta Braves. The Metro Rail pops up from the underground right by the entrance (Eden Park take note), we were greeted by scalpers trying to sell tickets and hock off cheap replica gear, so of course all the kids now have hats. 2 minutes later we were inside, the first thing that strikes you is how fast the pitchers get the ball past the bat, I have no idea how anybody hits anything’ but they do. The score was tied at 7 all after the standard
innings and so one extra innings applied where the Braves got a man home, the Nationals couldn’t get anybody home and so that was it… an action packed win to the Braves. Another unexpected aspect was the foul balls… where we were seated in the second tier had the left hand batters popping foul balls in our direction and one ball came straight at us dropping just
short, I had both hands ready for the famous hero catch but much to Olivia’s disappointment it wasn’t to be. All the guff in between the side outs lets the crowd get involved via the big screen with lots of on field antics. So I have to say for a bunch of first timers … we were all thoroughly entertained and wouldn’t hesitate to go back.
As you can see in this photo, everyone was tired. We did not get back to the campground till 12.30am.
Not having any fun at all are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Hannah SAYS HI!!!