A relatively quiet day really, the highlight was entering a new country Canada, a new stamp in the passport for the kids. The border guards were intrigued to know what we hit with our bent bumper, we weren’t the culprit but I do know who is Dave how did you do that ?? From here a shortish haul into Quebec KOA campground, complete with free wireless internet so a great chance to catch up on the blog. Weather a pleasant 22 degrees C and oh yes the canooks are metric so back to kilometers.
All the road signs are in French, thank goodness they have lovely little pictures attached???
Oh that was easy. Got lost, stopped to check the map/gps in a vacant parking lot... but the driveway was just a little steep & with the rear axle overhang being about half a football field long, I managed to catch it on the ground as we exited. Interestingly, I backed into a fence a couple of days later and basically straightened it out, before catching it on a 2nd steep driveway a bit later so back to 'normal' again. A couple more times like that and it might break off altogether! And the red paint on that same corner is where I collected a newspaper vending box. If you tell me you've had no mishaps whatsoever I'll know you are lying!