A pretty non event travel day really (in theory) with exception of our Country re-entry back into the States, ...On the way out of the USA ,… I must admit a couple of alarm bells went off when the Immigration officers couldn’t believe we hadn’t gotten an entry certificate stapled into our passports in LA… well sure enough it became a drama getting back in from Canada, to make matters worse we got “Mr NASTY IMMIGRATION FAT GUTS everything BAD you ever saw in the Movies Officer”, as well. Instead of treating us like the Mah, Pah and the 3 cute kids that we obviously were, he decided to take the Rambo route and treat us like terrorists… he imprisoned us in his office while he went through our motor-home, pulled out every cupboard spread our clothes everywhere, confiscated some fresh fruit and veggies, without telling us and found our Electric Tazor which we wouldn’t have minded using on him”, I thought this was going to send him over the top but after 2-3 phone calls and a lot of stern looks he gave it

back. Despite my best Geoffrey charm I couldn’t get the slightest flicker of a smile from the guy. After about an hour and a half of hassle we were fleeced of another $30 (Bernise thought it was for his dinner) and finally set free to move into the States again. Delayed and harrased we arrived into the huge Detroit KOA Campground, the kids disappeared and came back with the lowdown of all the activities, Go-karts, Bumper-boats, Baseball Pitch Machine, Mini Golf and more, Fun Fun Fun... so dinner ended up being 8.30, another late finish of after 12 before Bernise and I hit the


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