Crayola Crayon factory is one of the biggest world wide exporters of Crayons and Felt Pens which is based in Easton our next stop. The factory shop with its hands on workshops was another chance find that proved to be a gem. Laur
en, Thomas and Olivia ran
from workshop area to workshop area having a blast. Laurens favorite area was the 3D Clay modeling where she came up with a very colourfull Snail, Thomas thought the factory manufacturing demonstration was really cool while Olivia loved the dance arena where your movements left psychedelic images on the wall. Mum got into the act with a cut and stick Dinosaur Image while dads one was so bad he tried hiding it in the rubbish bin. All in all a great find. The last part of the drive proved to be a bit of a
challenge, the road to the campground got nar
rower and narrower

until we were re

scued by a concerned local who I think thought were going to run them off the road. They knew of another close by camp which we gladly followed them to. It turned out to be a beautiful little spot in a wooded area, we built a fire and roasted our marshmellows for the second time. The only negative is the weather has taken on a cold snap and all of a sudden we are down in the Mid 50,s… bloody cold.
so glad you guys made it to Hershey & the crayon factory - a couple of things we didn't have time for as we passed thru. as you have discovered, you can't go very far in that part of the world without bumping into civil war memorials/museums/historic battle sites etc. however it can be a bit like 'once you've seen one you've seen them all' (especially if you're a kid!). A couple of big cities next - Philadelphia then... the Big Apple! enjoy!!!