A pinch and a punch for the 1st of the month? Thinking about it, yes we are a day later than you so disregard last comment? Today we are off to the Virginia aquarium and ferry trip in the inlets. Virginia Beach is a lovely area but it is home to the Oceana Naval Air Station
where they have a mock aircraft carrier air strip which supersonic aircrafts practice landing then taking off again, Very loud, but very impressive.
Thomas again. We went to an aquarium today. At the entrance we saw seals. After paying for the tickets we saw some frogs bathing in the sun. We went into another room that had lots of hands on activities. I liked this one where you pushed a big red button and it made waves. It was showing us how waves are made and the reef made them bigger. Oh, I
touched some sting ray
s (that did not have any sting) they felt slimy. I learnt a lot about fish by questions on a true or false touch screen. I had a great day.
Olivia here. After our dinner we hopped on our scooters we went and got sticks and pinecones from under the trees, Lauren did most of it but Thomas and I helped. We took them
back to camp and put them in a pile, then made a fire. The best thing was we cooked marshmallow on sticks over the fire. I like mine a little bit burnt yum yum.
Thomas again. We went to an aquarium today. At the entrance we saw seals. After paying for the tickets we saw some frogs bathing in the sun. We went into another room that had lots of hands on activities. I liked this one where you pushed a big red button and it made waves. It was showing us how waves are made and the reef made them bigger. Oh, I
Olivia here. After our dinner we hopped on our scooters we went and got sticks and pinecones from under the trees, Lauren did most of it but Thomas and I helped. We took them
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